Travel Thursdays- Thailand part I - Bangkok.


Oh Thailand.  everyone who knows me knows that this is one of my favorite countries in the world.
Every time I go back there it feels like home.
Now I will admit, I don't mind going and seeing new places, but when I go to a place I like- I will go back there again and again.
And that is what happened with Thailand!

Before my first time there I was a little worried. of course you hear about how beautiful it is and how the beach  is as good as it gets, but you also hear the bad, same as for every other place in the world.
I was told about polluted air, difficulties with communication because not a lot of people speak English, dirty streets with rats and lots and lots of drunk crazy people.
Obviously you will be a little worried, who wouldn't?!?

But then you get there... (you should see the smile on my face now as I have memories popping up).

My first visit to Thailand was with a co-worker in 2010. we landed in the Bangkok international airport, and you can already see that those stories you hear are a little bit exaggerated...
First of all, the airport is one of the most beautiful ones out there.
And second- the people are so nice! everyone is smiling, everyone says hello.. not your typical airport experience usually... even the immigration officers makes jokes and smile (though I don't know if I just got lucky with the one I got...).

So here is my guide to Thailand. based on my experiences there from the past 5 visits (hopefully I will have many more in the future).

Bangkok is beautiful! sure, its crowded, loud and not the cleanest (you can say the same about NYC).. but there is magic about her. from the skyscrapers to the markets everywhere, it is a fun place to be! lets not forget that most things in Thailand are cheaper in general- food, drinks, shopping, massages (oh the massages!!! but we will get to that later on).

Hotel: definitely the D&D inn on Khaosan road. again, not the cleanest, not the most quiet, and Khaosan road is one big market. but again, you are in the center of everything! of course if you are not on a budget you can go to 5* hotels and most of them will cost like an average 3* or 4* hotel in NYC. but if you are on a budget the the D&D inn is a great option. lots of young people to meet, and a great rooftop pool to lounge and just drink and eat.
But! if you do choose this hotel, take one of the big rooms. even a family room. it will still cost half as much as a regular room would cost in a fancier hotel.
If you want to splurge on a hotel, just make sure its somewhat close to the one of the city's main attractions. traffic is a big deal in Bangkok and even though its not as expensive in other places around the world, it can still be a bummer to spend hours in traffic.

Shopping: go down to the market stands all over Khaosan road. you will find a lot of great findings. and you can feel free to negotiate the price and look around, they will give you discounts and usually you can pay half of what the original price is. but it is very important to be polite and not get into an argument or a fight with the sales people (some people do, its not that uncommon).
I love the Thailand tank tops. you will see them all over the city and over in the islands. if you buy a few they are usually around 100 Thai bahts each, which around 3$, maybe even less.
The  Havaianas flip flops knockoffs - just as good as the original, i bought 3 pairs many years ago, and they are still with me.
All sorts of home decorations, pictures, even cool ashtray designs and anything you can think of- you have it there!
Knockoffs are a big thing there. and if you don't mind that its a knockoff, then the MBK mall is where you want to go. about 7 or 8 floors, thousands of stores with everything. now, not all are knockoffs, some are real stores with original merchandise, but that is not why you go to the MBK mall for... you need to go deep inside the market inside the mall (in the higher floors, you can't miss it) and you will see a tangled web of merchandise on stands, each stand owner will try to bring you over to his stand, give you the best price and you know what? 99% if you negotiate nicely and in the right way- it will be worth it!
If you plan on shopping in fancy designer store then you belong across the street at the Siam Paragon mall. you will find almost every designer store there (with real "western" price tags). it is a beautiful structure to visit and a lot of fun to walk around even if you don't buy anything.
In the same complex area of MBK and Siam Paragon you also have an aquarium and movie theater. and its another area for you to consider staying in if Khaosan road is too much for you.

Things to do: And of course you have all the tourist locations that are a MUST: the kings palace, the big buddha  statue, the laying buddah statue- there are a lot of buddahs to see in Bangkok! and each is more beautiful then the other. ask your hotel about a guided tour, that is the best way to make sure you didn't miss anything!
Basically all you need to do in Bangkok is shop, eat, drink, get massages, see the beautiful buildings and attractions, and just relax and have fun. and that is the best place in the world to do that.

Getting around: there is a train in Bangkok but i only used to get from the airport to the city.
You have taxis which are very nice and clean and always have the A/C on (for some reason 99% of the taxis you will see are Toyota corolla).
But! do not miss the Thai Took Took carts! they can be a little scary at times, and when its too hot outside you will crave the A/C in the taxi, but the experience is worth it. and its usually cheaper and much faster then a taxi.

Tips and suggestions:
* Do not be naive! if someone offers you something for free- its not going to be free. whether its a salesman in a stand at the market, or a Took Took driver that will give you a ride for free if you will stop at his "friend's" store! there are thieves and robbers in Bangkok just like in any other city in the world!
* Watch what you eat: the food is enticing. so much, so cheap, just eat all day. but be careful as well. the food carts on the street can be good, but look for ones where there are a lot of people buying from them. and check to see if they are clean and they are using fresh materials.
* Watch what you drink: now that is a big thing in Thailand. more in the islands, but also in Bangkok. make sure that when you buy a bottled drink the cap is completely sealed when you open it, even with water.
And be careful with alcohol as well. there are so many bars and restaurant all around that there is no need to buy one on the street just to save 50 cents. most of the time they will be fine, but that one time they won't.. you wouldn't want to be there for that. and that especially goes for the big buckets of alcohol you are offered everywhere, even in bars. the alcohol is very cheap in compare to western cities, pay the extra and don't take the risk.
* And one more thing: find the hotel with the 60-70 floors and the rooftop bar! now that is something you really have to see at night! the view, the atmosphere. amazing!

I hope this was helpful. I will post some more about the islands in Thailand in future posts.

Have fun!


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